叱吒台港中日星馬 演歌雙棲最強男子團體-飛輪海Fahrenheit

男人版、男孩版 双封面雙版本一次珍藏
◎精裝男人版-超大包裝尺寸的時尚飛輪海,CD+DVD-收錄電視劇「終極一家」主題曲-「出神入化」、「 不會愛」MV及精彩幕後花絮!



12/22(六) 高雄 苗栗 12/23(日) 新竹 桃園
12/29(六)台北 中壢 12/30(日) 嘉義 台南
1/1 (二) 台中

2007/12/19開始預購 2008/1/4全亞洲發行

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Sob sob sob… Romantic Princess has finally come to an last week! Will u guys miss Nan Fong Jin??? Well…Here, I want to thank so many of you once again for supporting this drama… I could still remember telling myself last year that it’s really not easy for a drama to come out big! I am such a lucky fellow huh!!! Hanakimi and Romantic Princess came out very successful this year and this is really an achievement for all the crew who’ve put in so much effort! Now that RP has finished airing, Hanakimi is back on replay again... I guess it’s hard for you guys not to see me right… haha! Furthermore, after 16 months of long wait, Fahrenheit’s 2nd album ‘2FACE’ will soon be ready to excite you guys again! Lots of activities and you will be seeing more of Fahrenheit on TV and magazines! Well, get yourself ready for it ok :-)

Sanya, Hainan Island - Again, another country that feels like Brunei! Life is relatively simple at Sanya! Lots of local fruit, also available in Brunei, which somehow looked funny to my fellow colleagues from Taiwan… haha! Also, Hainan Chicken rice has always been one of my favourite dishes and I thought I could get to taste an original one during the trip but guess what??? It was invented in Singapore! Thanks to this trip that made me know this fact! Actually, every trip, endorsement and the things we do whether big or small, successful or not have been an accomplishment to me because I really learn a lot! Being in showbiz, it has opened my eyes to see things I could never have imagined… Still, I cannot believe myself being an artiste now… haha!

Japan - I now understand why so many of my friends kept telling me in the past that Japan is such a nice city to go to for a vacation! With my busy 3 days schedule there, I could only observe the city from the car! Well, I did go to the city despite how tired I was after work :-) I told myself that even if I have migraine, I still gotta force myself to have a quick look and fortunately, everything was well worth it. It somehow looks a bit like the NY Times square with lots of neon lights and full of people even late at night! Unfortunately, I didn't manage to find time trying the food and shopping but for sure my next trip to Japan, I gotta try the ‘Oyishi’ Jap cuisine and shop around :-)

Recently, I posted loads of pictures in my blog and guess what? I still have tons of them but don't have time to upload them due to long hours of work everyday! I can only upload during my break and provided there is a Wi-Fi! Would love to share what I have seen with you guys so even if you haven’t experienced or been to the places I’ve been to… at least you get to see how and what they’re like, right?

A Good Habit to share – Ever since 15 years old, I have the habit of switching the TV on to CNN channel whenever I wake up. I think my father influenced me because he was always the one asking me to read the papers and learn more about what’s happening around this world! Well… I have to admit I am lazy when it comes to reading the papers so to solve the problem, WATCH CNN :-) What I have learnt all these while which I really like to share with you guys: Being aware of news around the world not only keeps us well informed about what’s going on but also teaches us so many things never could we imagine. I guess the reason that why I am optimistic in life is because I have watched too many unbelievable things going on around us and these include natural disasters, war, tragic accidents, murder to name a few! Imagine how all of these could influence the life of so many people! Therefore, we should really treasure everything we have now and BE CONTENTED!

Hardship is a challenge in life but it’s an experience whether you fail or succeed… The results are just results perceived by others but who cares! Most importantly, you did your best, right? Well, I have to admit that sometimes, I do complain and am really stressed with my work due to lack of rest but I do get over it very fast otherwise I will make my life more stressful… Next time, if you have a bad mood, learn to get over it ASAP and once you know how to control your emotions, your life will be a lot easier and happier. Well, one good way is to watch world news more often… Trust me :-)

Lastly, there are loads of messages in my blog saying that I looked thinner and more tired recently :-) Well, yeah... am indeed very tired coz there are plenty of jobs waiting to be done in the coming months but I will try to take care of myself… Don't worry ok! I will consume more fruits and drink tons of water to recharge myself! Don't forget, you too have to do it

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有時間去抱怨謾罵 不如讓自己更好要求自己

好久沒更新 忙是個原因 但是最主要的是

沒有靈感寫網誌 我希望我的網誌是扎實有內容的

不是刻意造作 更何況 現在有很多人會誤會原本字面上的意義其所有的真正涵義

我的文字絕對不膚淺 請各位看觀能再欣賞的同時多想兩分鐘

再者 也許很多人因為我之前的網誌而認為我的世界是灰色的

也許吧 但是我要感謝那些一路半我走過的許多人

現在的我很開心 一樣努力 不,是更努力

也許生活多了許多限制 也很久不曾大剌剌的在街上遊走享受擁擠的人潮帶來的安定感

但是這一切的一切我都很享受 還有太多要做 我沒有時間庸人自擾

希望你們也是 能有許多夢想理想及抱負等待你們一一努力實現

說過和大家一起努力 當然也會實現諾言


看了留言 感嘆還是有些人不太懂我

這是當然的 沒有任何一個人能被人完完全全了解



我想再次提醒大家 我不會讓任何人代替我說話



是非黑白 還望大家靜下腦袋審慎思考


P.S. MIT記者會 2007 12 18 PM100 八大電視台


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2007年底偶像男孩團體精銳盡出大火拼!棒棒堂、5566、 F4接棒發片,成軍兩年,人氣、魅力橫掃全亞洲的飛輪海壓軸將於2008年1月4日以【双面飛輪海】全新專輯應戰!【双面飛輪海】專輯為呈現飛輪海由內到外的男人與男孩双面多變特質,華研唱片以雙倍的百萬治裝費、雙倍的企劃預算、六大專案SUPPORT,全力打造【双面飛輪海】!
相距一年四個月,紅遍全亞洲的飛輪海各自分飛以【花樣少年少女】、【公主小妹】、【終極一家】、【惡作劇2吻】、【翻滾吧蛋炒飯】繳出亮眼的戲劇成績單,廣告代言的身價更是火熱!現在飛輪海終於要再度合體為全新專輯【双面飛輪海】進行宣傳工作!今天(12/07)四人再度集合拍攝男人版概念的封面,攝影師特地選擇在時尚MOTEL的泳池中讓飛輪海拍攝專輯照,希望展現飛輪海男人柔情似水性感的一面。工作人員稱此風格為『飛輪 海王子系列』!拍攝時,飛輪海四人皆以一襲白襯衫下水,不顧上半身衣服透水激突,只在下半身做好萬全準備,除了內褲,還穿上厚重的牛仔褲,深怕曲線畢露,飛輪海開玩笑表示:「我們是【双面飛輪海】,現在既然顧不了上面,就只好顧下面囉!哈!而且現場很多工作人員是女生,會害羞啦!」

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看看它到底吃了什麼 !他要一探究竟。過了不久,不知從哪裡又鑽出來一只壁虎,嘴裡含著食物 ...啊!他一時愣
住了,這是什麼樣的情形啊?為了被釘住尾巴而不能走動的壁虎,另一只壁虎竟然在十年的歲 月裡一直不停地
銜取食物喂它。我聽了以後,很感動,真的也不去想它們之間的關系:親子,朋友,異性,手足 ....在人類的社
會中隨著計算機的普及,人與人獲取相關的 信息更快速,但是人與人之間的距離是否也越來越接近呢?

... 所以永遠也不要放棄你所愛的人!

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Lots of traveling lately! How should I put it? Hmmm... Really tired but well worth it! At least, I had the chance to see so many of you in every corner of this world! Sometimes, I would wonder when I could have a short vacation and I cannot deny that all these while I have really been dreaming for one but it just seem impossible… haha! Recently, I’ve been spending most of my time in the photo studio taking photo shoots and doing lots of interviews! There’re also many up-coming overseas projects and preparation for my next drama! Honestly, I am quite stressed recently with my job… Many good opportunities but very little time and its so to hard come out with a very good decision that will benefit everyone!

So, What gives me energy all these while?
Being able to squeeze some time each day so I could finish reading all my birthday wishes and all the heart-felt gifts! I know that by doing so, it could bring me happiness and would make me realize that all my hard work, effort and time sacrificed is well worth it. Therefore, whatever my next project is, I know you guys are with me, right? I truly treasure this kind of relationship ☺

Well, let me share some of my recent trips with you guys…

Brunei - I managed to go back to Brunei for 3 days in Oct as my passport has run out of pages! I was so happy when I came to know about this though it would be hard on my company's part as well as there were many jobs pending that time. Well, my trip back home was really worth it. Besides spending substantial amount of time with my family, it was also my 1st trip back home after my baby (Fitness Zone) was officially opened and I was really looking forward to experiencing the everyday operations. Every time I go back to my country, my status automatically becomes a Health Club Manager! ☺ As I don't know when my next trip back home will be, I truly treasure those moment when I was there… My daily routine back home has always been setting up lots of meetings, appointments and brainstorming with my team so as to strengthen the Club Operations especially for 2008! Funny? HEHE!!!

Beijing - During my 2 weeks stay in Beijing, I have learnt a lot about the city and I cannot believe that I am starting to fall in love with all the places where I’ve been and seen! Especially the food, the architecture, the culture and the sunny weather! What really surprised me was the fact that I actually researched about the accommodation there such as rental fees and the price for the apartments as if I will be staying there long-term…..hahaa! ☺ One more thing… I went to this restaurant and the food was excellent and so so yummy that I told myself that I have to bring my family there one day... haha! Browse through my Beijing album and you will know how yummy the food is in Beijing! ☺

Macau - What a big difference compared to how it was 3 years ago! Actually, I really love cities that are lively and bright during nighttime… Memories of my trip to Vegas and New York (the city that never sleep), all came back! Ate lots of very delicious Portuguese Tarts… Well, I usually don’t accept gifts but when it comes to Portuguese tarts, I just couldn’t resist it and before I realizing that I should not accept them, the tarts were already on my hand... haha! Oh, one more thing…my dad was there too so that trip was extra awesome! ☺

Singapore – Every time upon arrival at Singapore Changi International Airport, all kinds of memory would blast into my mind… I guess it’s due to my regular trips to Singapore in the past and the fact that I am TOO FAMILIAR with the place… haha! How I wish I could visit all the places I used to go to again! ☺

Up-coming Overseas Projects: -

18th of Nov, Shanghai, China
22th of Nov, Tokyo, Japan
1st of Dec, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Quote to share: -

“The past has no power over me. I am Renewed, Refreshed, and Reborn into a ‘Yummy’ new world.”

“Your future… your future!” Get it??? Remind yourself to be happy no matter what… I know it’s difficult but you can try to change your mind little by little… No Rush ok? ☺

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中新网11月14日电 已故艺人许玮伦昨29岁冥诞,她弟弟许志玮和她生前男友小派昨前往她骨灰放置处福田妙国“蛋蛋妙居”看她,小派手捧玫瑰干燥花,展露深情,但他不发一语;许志玮回忆起逝世289天的姊姊说:“少了姊姊,家里变得好安静,而且电话费少了很多。”




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和你們 一起分享我甜美的回憶


weijune 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

ROCK對我來說 已不是熱血沸騰的一字一句

那是我所有的開始 就在音符的跳動間 我們開始演奏我們的生命

從高中開始 曾是擦身而過的彼此 互不相識 到握手同行

出生到懂事 那是我所有最美好的回憶 就在練團室裡

練團室裡 也陪我走過 人生低潮絕望的過去 讓我走出無數傷痛

我的好哥們 其實你們就像我的家人一樣親近 因為我們一起走過了將近十個年頭

是命運 讓我們都喜愛 槍與玫瑰 和金屬製品 更愛我們的邦橋飛 和彩虹樂團

我們永遠有我們共同的話題 共同的語言 共同的過去 共同的回憶和目的地

謝謝你們願意陪我淋過風雨 也謝謝你們陪我站在無數的舞台 和得到那麼多的掌聲和喝采

飛蚊症~ 帽子兄~ 后羿射日~ 范倫鐵諾~ 曼迪好哇~ 和最帥氣的水彩筆~ 這是我們才有的

那是最真實的 沒經過任何的包裝和防衛 我們大膽的演唱出屬於我們的生命

謝謝你們 我很開心 因為我真的很開心

我相信在另一個世界的父親一樣會用相信的眼神鼓勵著我 和 不斷的守候

就像我們一直守候著我們的信念 這趟旅程雖然我先出發 但

我已經看見你們隨後跟上 你們要加油 我也會加油

加油著 繼續在暴風雨中前行 直到我們一起 到達那名叫 F"A"T"E" 的這座島嶼

就算流了再多的 淚水 和 血液 都無法洗去我們的約定

航海吧 就讓我們不斷的冒險

2001年 演奏的那首 FATE 這是我們的命運的開端




有著如童話般的 奇蹟

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Very unbelievable! From being a normal person just like u guys to having so many supporters from countries around the globe sending me good wishes and celebrating my birthday with me… It’s like WOW… what a big day for me and I believe my mother would be so happy for me except that I know she wouldn’t want me to work under this kind of pressure! Anyway, I think it is absolutely ok for me because she has really taught me well on how to be independent and how to take super good care of myself.

Without you guys, I wouldn’t have the motivation/confidence at all! I think the path in my showbiz career have been very lucky ever since but I also cannot deny that I have put 200% focus and hard work to every bits and pieces of what I have done! Well, I believe I will keep improving coz you guys have given me courage and confidence to gain new experiences. I love experiencing new things in life and I believe I will have the opportunities to try different things in the showbiz in the coming future…I might not be perfect at first but I believe every 1st timers should be spared for their mistakes so they will grow and get better and better. Most importantly, I am very fortunate for the chances given by so many of you and I know you guys have supported and encouraged all these while! Vice versa, you guys have my support and encouragement too, ok! I hope this feeling will go on and on… :-)

My birthday celebration…

Actually, I was the one who suggested to my Company about the birthday function few months ago and coincidentally wu-chun.com proposed this idea to my Company too. And with the help from so many fan clubs, my company eventually agreed on it, which really was GOOD news to me. Too bad the preparation time was limited and only few venue options available!

But still, I would like to give my most sincere appreciation to my Company, organizers and all of you for making my birthday celebration a huge success! It has given me the opportunity to get to know you guys better, see so many familiar faces again, to have the chance to meet many of you whom I only knew by your names back then and most importantly, having good times with you all. Although many could not turn up, I still feel the warm wishes and birthday greetings from so many of you around the world who have sent in birthday cards or left messages in my blog…Thank you so much!

Also, as I mentioned before, I do know the joy of giving gifts to someone we admire… to me, MJ is an example J Well, I only accept gifts once a year and that's during my birthday and WOW… 12 big boxes this year… This is too exaggerating, isn’t it! Loads of very meaningful gifts: Video Greetings, Charity Works, DIY gifts, meaningful Cards, etc… All really really touching! Can u guys believe I actually manage to arrange and tidy up all the gifts on the night of my birthday itself? I just couldn’t wait to see them… Of course, it’s not like as if I am a kid who is anxious to see if there’s anything I like but what I was after was the joy of seeing every gift…I even carry some to Beijing :-)

Honestly, I am also very happy that all of you did try your best to do charities and even if you did not contribute much, at least you guys have the heart to make this world a better place to live in! Actually, I felt bad that there were charity donations during my birthday but I have always wanted to have one and since I did not know when I could have the chance to do so, I decided I might as well grab hold of this opportunity during my birthday itself. I want to thank all of you and hope you guys understand too. Actually, I have also planned for blood donation but due to venue constraints, it was called off! Maybe next time, ok :-)

I promise I will try my best to have my 1010 birthday celebrations with you guys every year, ok? Hopefully, with advanced planning, we are able to find a bigger venue next year so more people can be accommodated!

Lastly, GOOD news…Good news!!!

Fahrenheit will be going to Macau on the 26th and Singapore on the 27th.

Romantic Princess has a promotional activity in Jakarta, Indonesia on the 2nd of Nov!!!

Isn’t that great??? Although I am really tired from traveling recently, but I really can’t wait to meet up with u guys J Remember…Stay safe, have fun and see u guys soon!!!

Quote to share: -

“If there is anything better than being loved, it is loving”

So remember, Open your heart and be generous in giving out love to your surroundings!

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人們的一生中能真正信任哪些人 或是被真正信任
請珍惜這樣的緣份契機 珍惜身邊最重要的朋友們

沒有人會被放棄 同樣的 除非你先放棄自己

在人生的體驗裡 的確過的比一些人精彩些
相對的有得必有失 天下也沒有白吃的午餐

常常掛在嘴邊說著 一分耕耘不一定有一分收穫
但 不耕耘是絕對不會有收穫的

好好的耕耘吧 期待豐收的到來

自省  共勉之

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  • Oct 11 Thu 2007 22:07
  • 无奈


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  • Oct 11 Thu 2007 21:48
  • 希望


weijune 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

We went for Watsons water concert at Hongkong and Guangzhou last week. It was great to see many of you supporters and had lots of fun with you.I guess both of us really enjoyed it.It's been a while we Fahrenheit haven't gone there to have event with you guys. I like the face to face performance so much.In that case we can have more interactions and let us get to know each other more well.I really hope we can have some more functions like this really soon. In every city, every different places. As long as threre are cute supporters like you, no matter how tiring it is, we Fahrenheit are still willing to go.
I love Hongkong's Victoria Harbour so much. The view is great. The pic was taken from the room I stayed.Many high rise buildings and lots of business centers, I feel so connected to the world!Just love it!
People live for their dreams and also for realities. Sometimes these two are just contradict to each other.Also do I face the situation sometime. You must give up something in order to achieve something else.I can't say it's right or wrong. As long as you feel it's worth, then just do it and not regret about it. Anyways, I will still use my full strength and energy to do everything I have decided or need to do. Let's all still work hard although dream and reality are contradict sometime,ok?!
Good luck to all of us!!

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今天很開心的結束了香港 屈臣氏蒸餾水 唱聚會
很開心 演唱了 好多首歌曲 也和很多歌迷朋友一起 遊戲
大東很開心飛輪海們 也都超high 相信香港的朋友也是
今天算是畫下了一個很好的開始 因為明年的飛輪海似乎有計劃要開演唱會瞜

哈明天 就是要去廣州了 廣州 是大東的故鄉喔 大東的爸爸 是廣東人
ㄏㄏ 明天 要去那兒舉辦演唱會嚕 聽說 現場會有七千多人
挖~~~~好棒的數字 因為是 幸運的七 喔 ~~

總之明天會看到很多 很多 很久不見的朋友們

不管了 等著大東 等著飛輪海 精讚的演出吧~~~
當然也希望 飛輪海正式的演唱會快快到來

就會有更多的朋友 更多的國家 更多 更多的人 一起high~~~~喔耶~~~~

晚安~~~~~~~~~~~~ kiss bye ~~~~~~~~

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1 23